Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shopping cravings

I love my blog now. It looks so homely. Haha. Just like how your house is cosy, you will want to stay at home everyday. My blog looks "cosy" to me and I really want to blog everyday from now onwards :D

The blog banner was a pain in the ass because I had to take photos of myself without anyone's help T.T I had 100 over shots taken today and out of so many, only 5 were chosen to placed on my banner.

I am really satisfied with my makeup though. Really find it hard to wear such loud makeup out. Loud makeup looks so nice only in photographs but not out when you're shopping around town :\

Think some of the shots I took today were quite nice and quite cute. Hee. I'll just post 1 or 2 of the shots up :3

I really like pretty make up ♥

And yes I was lazing my whole Saturday afternoon away until 6 plus in the evening. I took out my laptop and downloaded HAP notes on Excretory system. And after 2 hours of mugging I finished that chapter. FINALLY.

I am only left with 3 chapters before I finish this subject! YAY! Come and think of it, I need to stay back everyday next week to study hardcore in the library :(

FOR MY GPA, YES I WILL DO IT . At least a 3.5 please :D

I really really want to go shopping soon. Flea market on the 10th Sept. Making lots of my girlfriends go with me so that we can shop and catchup. What's better then shopping the day away and catching up? ;)

I am the craving for Starbucks and Cheeseburger! >:D

Adding both of the calories together, I am very sure nice decorations will pile up around my waist. Very nice, lumpy ones :D

Just about time, I can wake my little baby up now. He went to take a nap at this time. If its me, I will purposely ignore the wakeup call and continue sleeping. HEE.

I'm going to Woodlands library tomorrow to finsih up my Endocrine system and attempt another PIPC paper. Hopefully with Bev and Baby around I will feel more smart and motivated !
