Friday, August 27, 2010

Ikea Update!

Oh gosh I am really not feeling the need to study for this main exam. Seriously I am so tired everyday and I really hate putting holidays before exams. I just will not have the mood to study for my exams! :(

Nevermind this is a note to self : I AM GOING TO READ MY HAP NOTES TONIGHT

As for next week I will lock myself in the school library so I will study HARD and Hubby is going to work so YAY no distractions = HAPPY ME

As you all know my class outing was a major fail because only me and Hubby went. Heee. I really cannot stand the temptation of the food there. To me those meatballs and salmon and chicken just looks much more enticing as compared to chinese food. Rawr :X

Somehow, why must meatballs be eaten with Jam? Its rather weird but heck it, it taste heavenly :) Meatballs on Tuesdays only for $4. HEE AND I JUST RMB I HAVENT PAY HUBBY BACK FOR MY MEAL :P

I had Salmon and Hubby had Chicken!

We were looking high and low to see where can we get the plastic cups so we can buy soft drinks but NO we can't find it and too paiseh to ask the people there anyway. Oops :$

So we walked around Ikea. Their sample rooms were all so wonderfully decorated and it feels so cosy. Its just a small space given but yet feels so HOME. Hehe. A house should be like that right? It should feel like a place you want to go back to.

Okay maybe next time my house all the ideas get from IKEA! HAHAH.

And before you know it , the whole of Ikea was done exploring and we went to get HOTDOGS LAH. And a bit too much Mustard is a bit too much.

The mustard really taste like smelly armpit when too much of it is on my hotdog! And my retarded boyfriend loves to give silly faces. Just to let you all know his favourite is the UNAMUSED FACE which I totally really feel like just slapping him.

You know sometimes I don't know to laugh or to punch his face like seriously.

So yeah and we took 2 shots with the hot dog! Because we were rather bored already. Walking around the big place with nothing to do.

And after that we left for Giant! Hehe that supermarket roaming was pretty fun. Along the way there hubby took a shot of me with my fat arm! And a lot of people liked it on facebook so I think I will post it up.

For more of the rubbish photography, please check out my facebook album! Hahaha. I really hate uploading photos on blogger. Its so damn bloody slow and hard to update.

Before we head off to Tampines Mall, it was raining and the sun was really very shiny and there we have it ( just as I expected ) A RAINBOW. Eh wait no, 2 RAINBOWS.

And for the rest of the day we just walked around Tampines Mall and did not really do anything else. And I bought a new dress. Not very nice.

SAYING OF DRESS I CANT WAIT FOR 10 SEPT because there would be 2 FLEA MARKETS. And I am going to chiong to the fuck! WOOHOO.

My class outing was a fail but I got good food and the company of the one I love the most ♥


Look like ah beng. HAHAH. Oh yes and yesterday I went to see fireworks! AGAIN with Hubby! Happy! Happy!

AND you know what will make me more happy? STUDYING AND FEELING FULFILLED AGAIN!!!!!

Can't wait to get a new fucking phone so I can update my status and upload photos ANYWHERE