Thursday, August 26, 2010

I finally met Sya!

Gosh look at the time now its 1.05am. I am wondering why am I sleeping later and later everyday. But guess its because of the holidays so I'm trying to enjoy it to the max.

I am very happy today because I studied for at least 4 long hours of PIPC. I understood the titration thingy and I did the 0809 Main exam paper! Heheh

Then because I wasted so much time studying I really did nothing else and I met Syahirah at 7pm at White Sands. We had dinner at Mad Jack.

Okay for Syahirah it was dinner but for me I was just hungry again even though I had dinner before going out of the house.


And Syahirah had this cream fish thingy!

I did not expect the fries to be in such a huge plate anyway. Kind of regret because it didn't taste as nice as it looks. I should just went to macdonalds and get my fries + cheeseburger. HEE

I don't know why but I am extremely craving for lots of things recently. I don't feel full even though I just ate. And when I see nice food, my mouth just salivates and its so hard to resist temptations when you have the money :(

Well then my very good atm came by and bought me a tiramisu just in time to stop my cravings. HEHE I feel bad actually :(

My atm so cute :) Thats why I feel bad. HEE

Oh my god I really talked a lot of crap when I was out today. I just kept laughing like a mad woman. I really haven't been laughing so much already. FEELS GOOD TO LAUGH NONE STOP.

Really miss the sec 1 days when we were so young and idiotic and laugh our way through lessons everyday Syahirah! Can't believe time just flies so fast and its been like 4 years since I first met you!

I really hope that I have more money and time to spend with all my lovely friends.

JCO yoghurt is really not bad. Its damn nice and frozen just like how it should be! And the ambiance is very cosy too in the cafe area. Nice place to sit and chat the whole day or night away! Really love it. The aircon is super shiok too!

And just a pic to end the day

I will update the ikea post proper soon okay! Because its really full of pictures and all that :(

Sigh I hate uploading pictures and stuff. Can't they make blogging easier!