Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Universal Studios Singapore

Bonjour Ami! Well sorry for the delayed post about Universal studios. I was caught up in school and was pretty busy. And furthermore, flu bug caught me and meow, I was sick.

So yes, I went to Universal Studios. It was a pretty eye opening experience for me as I had never been there before. And I lost my voice and was suffering from bad cough and also very bad sore throat.

Despite all these odds, I enjoyed the hell out of myself. Many pictures taken, so let the picture do the TALKING

Trrying to act sexy on the police car. Fail
This is one of my most favourite photo

Thats about it because I didn't manage to spend a full day there :( Had to rush back to school for performance and back to universal studios again.

However, the roller coaster ride was a fantastic one. It was super awesome I felt like I was going to fly or something. Great way to destress and I felt soooo relaxed after the entire day.

I did not take pictures of the fireworks that night but I saw it myself over at vivo. The fireworks were magical. How I wish that life would just stop at that moment because I felt soooo relaxed and away from all my problems.

Mr Mr you, I wonder what are you thinking or feeling. Seriously because I am very tired of everything. If you want me, just come back if not I shall end everything today. Nice meeting you. I have zero idea why you came into my life.