Guess what, my quizzes all coming up again :( Oh no just when you think of Chinese New Year then you have to finish those quizzes first before you can go for the long break.
It happened during Christmas too! Whereby I had to finish all the darn quizzes before I can go for a well deserved break.
Let's hope there will be a result soon ok!
And I've dyed my hair red. Its not really like Rihanna red but it is a subtle shade of red. Kinda look like black. Well I'm loving it. Maybe the next round I shall dye even redder! For my 18th birthday! Heee omg I am so excited.
Yesterday , I prayed to god, on my knees, and prayed for this boy to be mine. I told god I am sick of all the games and drama and I just want a pure and happy love.... At least that is what I wish for.. cause boy you're so perfect... I love you :(