Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One Quiz Down

Yay! PIPC quiz 2 is over and I think I did quite well for it provided I did not make any unnecessary mistakes.

When I received the paper my heart was going " Bom Bom Bom". I was super nervous for the test because I studied for this test since Saturday leh! I spent most of my free time studying for the test. And I did the tutorials like at least like 5 times all over again I swear.

So when I got the paper and being able to attempt all questions I was instantly relieved. Like seriously PHEW.

During Maths lecture , Bev and I were super stone because we can't understand a shit the lecturer is trying to say about the hypothesis testing topic. So we listened hard and tried to understand. And finally when we understood the whole thing, Bev was saying " Finally enlightenment "

And I replied " WAH I SAW BUDDHA "

So the both of us burst out laughing like some tard

( sudden lost the mood to blog because my mom's being a bitch )

The weather was damn hot. I dreamt about like the world was ending ytd night. I always have weird dreams. I tend to worry about unnecessary stuff like what if the sun explodes.

Okay that's something besides the point.

My mom really ruined my mood man ! >:(

She keeps on nagging about my panty. Wtf she expects me not to change my panty so often. Who wears the same old fucking panty for the whole day.

Worst still, I told her I'll wash it myself and she said " wait till you wash not enough to last you. " Then its like my own problem if I dont have any panty to wear right?! And she said " Dont wear your sister's" Why would I wear my sister's panty?!


Okay. Nice. I am going to the flea market on Saturday with Heidi and her sis. My sis is coming along too. We are gna grab some dresses baby :D