Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Test Test Test

LOL @ PIPC pop quiz. I hate pop quizzes :( As the name suggests, its a pop quiz and most of the time people are not prepared to attempt the quiz!(including me ) :( I give the dumbest answers ever !!! :P

So I was freaking out the whole day because I gained 1 kg increasing my weight from a super pretty 59 to 60. HELLO ITS DAMN UGLY. From a digit 5 to a digit 6. I got so paranoid I only ate like Toast for breakfast and lunch and drank only Tea and water till now!

Heidi wanted to ruin my Beyonce plans by asking me to buy waffles.

Mind " Eat waffle. Eat waffle "
Heart " No waffle No waffle "
Heart + Mind " Plain water "

OKAY so friends are important in reminding you about your diet plans okay! And Shi Wei told me during Math class that I must do 50 jumping jets everyday. Cannot be lazy! So I got Hubby to remind me everyday. I think he will forget to remind me at the end also lah :P

During the long break after PIPC tutorial, we this bunch of innocent and cute girls ( Jolyn, Heidi, Bev, Hannah, Gail, Shu Feng, Gui Mei, Bev and me ) were sitting in the middle of the ASc concourse playing Animal Concentration. So obviously I didn't get the forfeit but Heidi and Bev did. Their forfeit was to walk up to a guy and tell him he is pretty.
Guy " WHAT?! " *gives spastic plus orgasm face*

OMG it was damn hilarious and I could not forget that guy's facial expression. Its like he was constipating + having an orgasm.

After school, I walked home okay? And I climbed the stairs. I worked out leh! And I followed this video. * considering to put it up or not if not everybody as hot as me* KAY MAYBE NEXT TAIME THEN SHARE WITH YOU :D

Satisfaction to the max. And I went online shopping but of course didn't add anything to my CART ( for you wesley ).

Its so floral. So me :D I love it leh. But look at the model so skinny. And its a body con dress my fats will most likely all pop out and make this dress look like shit.

I can't rmb which blogshop. OOPS

Anyway its so nice right ? :( It hugs the body so tightly. But I can't wear lah. Too fat :(

Anyway, check out this tutorial from Pixi2woo. They always have nice vids but the products they use enough to last me one month for food. LOL

Shiny Shiny gold eyes with coral lips = ♥

Today's post seems kinda lengthy and boring. It sounds very bimbotic too. But you know what? Get use to it :D

And Hubby, I MISS YOU :(