Saturday, September 4, 2010


I'm waiting for baby to be home. Gosh really miss home god damn loads :(

So meanwhile went to do some stupid quizzes they have on the


Qns : What Type do I fall for?

Answer : You Fall for the Sexy Daredevil Type You can't help but be drawn to someone who's likely to break your heart. You're very attracted to danger.
You like a relationship with lots of passion, thrills, and even a few ups and downs.

For you, physical attraction and chemistry go a long way. You need to feel a spark immediately in order to be interested in someone.
Looks alone won't cut it though... They're just the starting point. You need intensity all the way down to the core!

And this interesting question....

Qns : What name should I name my boobies
Ans : You Should Call Your Boobs "Cain and Abel" Sexy!

I can't stop laughing. Hi Cain. Hi Abel. So which name is for the left and which name is for the right ?

Since me and Hubby both are aries, I took this quiz about what is our love profile

Qns : What is your love profile
Ans : You Are Alluring
Your positive traits:

You're quite the charmer. You've got the wit and attitude to attract almost anyone you meet.
Out spoken and honest, any date knows how they stand with you.
Fearless, independent, and willing to try anything twice - your dates should expect the unexpected.

Your negative traits:

You tend to be vain, and you expect your partner to feed that vanity often with complements.
Hot tempered and impulsive, you've occasionally ended things ... only to regret it later.
You're obsessed with being the best, most loved girlfriend or boyfriend your sweetie's ever had.

Your ideal partner:

A risk taking, free spirit like yourself - who can keep up with your latest wild child antics.
Someone stylish, attractive, and fit... who can keep you attracted for months.
Is hard to get - and lets you pursue things. You prefer to be the chaser, not the one being chased.

Your dating style:

Wild, unpredictable, fun, and daring. Your ideal date may involve a couple motorcycles or naked skydiving. (what?)

Your seduction style:

Honest and direct - you have no need for romance or much foreplay.
Show off. You like to show your lover how you're the best ever.
Ambitious. You often like to go all night - or aim for multiple orgasms.

Tips for the future:

Start to believe in second and third chances. You don't have to dump them so fast.
Savor the process. Sometimes the best part of falling in love is taking things in slow motion.
Let go of comparisons. If someone's with you, then you've already one. Stop worrying about exes.

Best color to attract mate: Red

Best day for a date: Tuesday XD

LMFAO at MULTIPLE ORGASMS AND GO ALL NIGHT. But to a certain extent I really agree with the fact that I like to be the chaser. Hee but nevermind chasers always ends up very tired. AND WHAT? BEING VAIN IS A BAD THING :( At least I can really say this implies to both of us not just me :D

And the last one I swear :3

Qns : Do you need to lose weight?
Ans : Your Weight is Ideal
Your BMI is 22.3 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25

Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height.
Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy.
So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy!

Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on!

YEAH LAH I NOT HAPPY WITH MY WEIGHT. Any sponsors want to sponsor me to some weight loss program? Like personal workout coaches. Best is they have big boobies and hot bods so I will be inspired to be like them XP

Can't help but to post this last 2 ( I promise promise ) Last 2 quizzes up . They are more for hubby to see :3

Qns : What is my love score
Ans : 95. It's truly love. You have an amazing partner and a wonderful relationship.
Your relationship isn't perfect, but you know how to work with each other to make it better.

You both listen to one another, give freely, and do your best to make things work.
While you have ups and downs like any other couple, you're good at getting through the bad times together.

And although you find it easy to love your partner, you understand that lasting love doesn't come easily.
You are both willing to give this relationship everything you have. And luckily, that's all it takes to make it work.

Qns : How in love are you
Ans : You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.

You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. ( not true )

HELLO I DONT BOUNCE AND BOUNCE OKAY. Hahah makes me feel like a ball. Hmm I can agree from sentence 1 all the way to the 2nd last sentence. But I really cant accept the last one! HMPH