Monday, August 2, 2010

Sore eye

I hate to say this but MY LEFT EYE IS BLOODY RED :(

This is all because my very loving boyfriend gave me all the bacteria needed to get the best sore eye in the world :D

Its as red as blood man :( And I really had hell during CSAS lab report quiz just now in the afternoon. The aircon made my eye really dry and my eye felt like it was going to drop out from the sockets :(

But nevermind, my cupcakes is gona come over to my house tmr to take good care of me :D Thanks to this eye I got 2 days MC to rest at home which is actually of no use as tmr there is only 2 hours lecture and on Wed I have PIPC and Maths quiz so eventually I will still need to go to school .


Right now I really want to revamp my blog. It looks so boring :(

I am going to upload all my photos to make a photoloop for the photos took that few days. Just wait for me while I upload them okay!