Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yu Yan's Birthday Party

Hokays Hokays now I got the all the photos for Yu Yan's party I want to blog it in detail. I LOVE MACDONALD CHEESEBURGER BUT ITS SO FATTENING LAH :(

We all have a landyard with our names on it. We also need to write what fruit we are. So i'm a cherry and orange because I had cherry earrings and orange nails :)Wes is a boring apple.

So the pegs game I was mentioning about earlier on. I'm going to show you :D

Peggy Peggy
Look at her hair!

But then the other games the photos like can't really show the game. So I'm not gona post. Aiya actually I'm quite lazy to post. I just got like all the photos I took that day that's why I want to post it up :)

Aww my favourite picture <3
I told you YY's bf takes nicer pictures
Yay Lovezxzxzxzx

Okay now I'm at hubby's place. Going to rape him now :D Talk to you all laterr :)