Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hello everybody! Finally its a weekend. Yay! And I am suffering from very bad Urinal Tract Infection :(

I went to google it and the sources said that its due to bacteria from the vagina somehow just made its way to the urethra.

Sobs. And its damn irritating! Although I don't feel a burning sensation when I pee, the feeling is very annoying. Normally you should feel SHIOK after peeing but for me thats not the case anymore!

Cranberry juice is said to have some contents that helps to soothe the burning sensation. Its said that because all these juices creates a acidic environment which the bacteria can't live in.

MUAHAHHAHA DIE BACTERIA. Mom just went to get Cranberry juice for me. And I just went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics. ANTIBIOTICS + CRANBERRY JUICE = FUCK YOU BACTERIA

Anyway, last friday I went to school doing the Michelle Phan's natual beauty look. But I ended up applying too much white eyeliner that basically instead of looking highlighted, my whole eye looks white. LOL

Here is the video anyway.

I trimmed my fringe when I was bored earlier on today. My bangs were getting abit out of shape.

Oh and I decided to really stick to my Beyonce diet. I am going to eat shit loads of veggie. In school I will eat Yong Tau Foo with lots of veggie.

I miss Wesley a lot :( But cheers because tomorrow is Sunday and I get to spend the whole day with him.

Seriously not looking forward to the next week because I have CCA on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

I WANT TO DO EYEBROW SOON because its growing out way too much. Ever since I mis cut my brow I didnt pluck any of the hair. Now its like bush.