Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Time flies doesn't it?

Happy 2nd Monthsary Hubby

You know you mean the world to me.

Okay you got me, I can't help but post sthg here for ya to read when I'm supposed to be studying. Somehow studying really makes me sleep :P

I know you are stressed up with your adobe bitch illustrator but what I want to say is that " Never Ever Give Up ". Just like what you told me when my term test results were a slut. I know you can do a great job with whatever being thrown at ya. You are born to succeed :)

Right now, what I really want to say is that, I will be here for you through your happy times, or toughest times in your life. I will be here to give you moral support throughout this 3 years where project are constantly being whacked in your life. Although I can't really help much in your work, but I guess at least being virtually/physically there might help you in one way or another.

I guess I really have to go study right now before I want to sleep again XP

Love you so much!